Corporate Massage

Corporate Massage2023-09-27T02:24:01+00:00

No matter what your event is, you want to make a good impression, and more importantly, you want your guests to head home feeling invigorated, less stressed, and a lot happier.

Providing massage at a corporate event will have your customers lining up, and it will put them in a positive frame of mind. And we all know that happy customers are good for business!

Our team will leave your staff feeling relaxed and refreshed – with minimal disruption to their work day. We guarantee that our therapists are fully qualified, industry-experienced professionals, and can provide the highest standard of service available at a competitive cost.

What massage types are available ?2020-08-25T06:32:27+00:00
  • Desk / Roaming – a popular option for Call-Centres or workplaces where the convenience of massaging staff at their desk if preferred. Each massage therapist moves from desk to desk, providing relief for tight backs and shoulders. Ideally, the duration of each massage is 10 minutes, with a minimum of 5 minutes per person / 10 employees per hour.
  • Seated Massage – ideal for offices where there is a dedicated space to set up specially-designed ergonomic seated massage chairs, which the therapist brings with them. We recommend either 15 or 20 minutes per person, with the minimum being 10 minutes each / 6 staff per hour.
  • Table massages are a nice way to indulge your staff with the luxury of up to 1 hour each. The therapist will provide all equipment and hygienic supplies, so all you need is a quiet space for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.
How many therapists do I need ?2020-08-25T06:26:01+00:00

If you have a shorter time that you would like the massages to be completed in you can choose multiple therapists. You can choose to have up to 4 therapists.

For each therapists there is a $20 surcharge.

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